The Executive dashboard allows us to get a quick snapshot of the Sales breakup by Tour Category, Client Category and passengers for the day, the current week and  month and previous and current financial year.

Reservations are grouped on the basis of:

Packaged Tours
In Packaged Tours, selected tours are listed as also the group and individual sales.

In the Reservation Summary row, new links have been added for ‘Pax’ count and ‘Sales’ amount.


On clicking the links, other two grids are displayed.

The first grid, which is  the Total Reservation Revenue displays the details of the reservations created and cancelled (Today or this Week). The negative amounts and the negative paxes in this grid shows that the reservation is cancelled.

The second grid, which is the Other Revenue Details displays the details of the reservations that has  services added or deleted (Today or this Week). The negative amounts in this grid shows that service(s) are cancelled from the respective reservation.


The sum of the amounts in the first grid and the second grid is the value that is displayed as the sales amount link in the ED.
The sum of the paxes from only the first grid is the number of the paxes displayed as the pax link in the ED.



FIT Tours
          In  FIT Tours, the group and individual sales are listed.