1. How can we create a user?
A new user can be added by the system administrator. User management is placed under security under System administration. Provided you have access, you can click on new user and enter the details for the new user. Assigning a group to a new user is important. See next question.
2. What are user groups?
User groups are created for security purposes and ease of administration access to users who might be working in a department that doesnt need to access other modules in the system. The system already has a pre-defined set of user groups to which a user need to be assigned. A user group can be modified so that the group is authorised to access new functions or restrict access to some of the existing functions under it based on a group policy.
3. Can i see active users who are using the system right now?
We have added a new function under System Administration > Tools called Current Users. Once you access this menu item and provided you have access to it, you can see the list of users that are currently using the system in real time and their idle times if they are idling.
4. I cannot get access to a certain module?
Unless if there is an error message, it seems that you do not have access to it if you are able to access other modules. Please contact your system administrator for you to access it.
5. How do i know that i am authorised to use a module or a feature in the system?
If you do not see the module or menu item in your main or sub menu, chances are that you are not allowed access to it, or the user group to which you belong do not have access.
6. Can i change my password?
On the Top menu, Click on the Profile Tab wherein you will be directed to a page that has the password field. Please enter your new password after blanking out the existing asterisks. Enter the same new password in the next field that says ‘Retype Password’. Click on update and your password has got changed. Please check the next question on rules while creating a password.
7. Are there any rules while creating a password?
Yes there are. The password length should be minimum 8 characters with atleast a number and a character. Special characters like $, %, &,* are also allowed.
8. I forgot my password. What should i do now?
First thing is to get in touch wth the support team for them to reset your password. They will reset your password and let you know. You can change it to later to one of your own by following Q 6 above. You can panic later!