The purpose of this module is to evaluate each of the cost factors in a tour and how we can sell a tour with a reasonable price. We can evaluate the profit of a tour with different load factor and once the high level authority decides a price then tour can be sealed.
In costing there are mainly two types of tour package
(1)Direct company and (2) Receptive
(1) Direct Company (D)
This package is for handling cost components by host Company itself. In this case company will define the cost components and the price for costing.
(2) Receptive(R)
In this package price is a cumulative of cost components offered by different vendors. In this case we will get mainly accommodation cost and miscellaneous. But most of the other costs components (such as meals, attraction-itinerary etc.) are included in accommodation cost itself offered by different vendors.
Flow of Tour Costing
Every costing of tour is operated based on the status, which defined in the order as follows
1.Original (O)
2.Sealed (S)
(a). Actual (A)
(b). Worksheet (W)
Process flow of Seal, Actual, worksheet
Phase 1(Original)
Every cost sheet is created initially as original. This is the first stage of the Cost sheet. Anytime we create Cost sheet it should be, by default, in the original state. We use this for analyzing the cost of a tour and drive a sell price.
The cost components are mainly classified in to 6
1)Accommodation(Details about Accommodation)
2)Meals (Details about meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in restaurants))
3)Attraction (Details about side visit for eg; trekking, events etc)
4)Motor coach(Details about motor coach if the customer need to travel in bus)
5)Escorted driver (Details of Escort and Driver Details) and
6)Miscellaneous(Any miscellaneous cost).
Fig. 1.0
Cost Component: Accommodation
By selecting ‘Accommodation/Itinerary‘ option in the Components section(Fig. 2.0) we will get the Accommodation table. We need to add the prices for the services and vendors in each day in this interface(Accommodation table).
Fig. 2.0
By using Add Row button we can add a new row to the accommodation table. We can directly edit each field and enter the data.
Fig 3.0
If we want to add hotels of particular vendor we can search using search button near the hotel field, this will provide a vendor search pop up(Fig. 4.0).
If we select the vendor from the search list a new table will appear with the services for that vendor (Fig 5.0). If price is not available for that departure dates or season it will show the message “No Data to Display”.
Fig 5.0
By selecting the radio button in the select field that hotel, Vendor Id and Class name fields are loaded in to the Accommodation table (Fig. 6.0).
All the Vendor currencies added in the Build tab(Package Tour Set up- Build) will be loaded in the Currency field as drop down list, we can select currency from the drop down list. After adding necessary fields we can save it by clicking ‘Save‘ button. We can also modify the saved data.
Cost Component: Meals
On selecting the Meal option the meal table will be opened, we can add a new row using Add Row button. Here we have to enter the details of meals, lunch and dinner in restaurants. We can search the vendor and select the services from the vendor search pop up or we can directly fill the vendor name. After filling necessary fields in the table we can save it. We can also modify the saved data.
Fig 7.0
Cost Component: Attraction
On selecting Attraction option the Attraction table will be opened, we can add a new row using Add Row button, here we have to enter the details of attractions(e.g. trekking, events etc.). We can add the vendors directly or can select it by vendor search like accommodation section and save it, we can also modify the saved data.
Fig 8.0
Cost Component: Motor Coach
On selecting Motor Coach option the Motor Coach table will be opened, we can add a new row using Add Row button. Here we have to enter the details of transportation (if the customer needs to travel by bus). we can add the vendors directly or by using vendor search option similar to the accommodation and save it, we can also modify the saved data.
Fig 9.0
Cost Component: Escort Driver
On selecting Escort Driver option the Escort Driver table will be opened. Here we have to enter the escort and driver details. We can add the vendors directly or selecting it by vendor search like accommodation and save it, We can also modify the saved data.
Fig 10.0
Cost Component: Miscellaneous
On selecting Miscellaneous option the Miscellaneous table will be opened. Here we can add any miscellaneous details of the tour.
Fig 11.0
Costing Model
In Costing Model (Fig 12.0) the operator can calculate and view the estimated cost of a tour for different number of persons based on the profit percentage or the selling price. The operator can first enter the Load Factor (i.e. the number of persons), the expected profit in the Percentage field(default value is 30%) and then click on the Show Costing Sheet button to view the cost sheet at the specified percentage for the different load factors
Fig. 12.0
Cost Sheet
From Cost sheet the values of Sell Price for Twin, Double, Triple, Single and Quad should be noted.
Fig. 13.0
Then click the ‘Cancel‘ button of the cost sheet, this will load the previous costing page(Fig 1.0).
For calculating cost sheet on sell price, select the Sell Price radio button in the costing model(Fig 14.0).
Fig 14.0
The Single, Twin, Triple and Quad sell price is entered for different load factors in Fig 14.0 based on the noted values from Fig 13.0. After entering the values in Fig 14.0, the screen will be as shown in Fig.15.0
Then the ‘Show Costing sheet’ button can be clicked. When the ‘Show Costing sheet’ button is clicked, the Cost Sheet Details screen will be displayed as in Fig 16.0.
We can repeat this process based on the cost result, and can identify correct sell price for the tour.
Phase 2(Seal)
Once we identify all costs and come up with a sell price, we can seal the original version. When the Seal button
in the cost sheet is clicked(Fig 16.0), the cost sheet will be sealed and the status changes from original to sealed. Once sealed, the cost data and sell price cannot be changed. The cost components will be read-only. Only the load factor can be changed and the cost sheet can be viewed.
Phase3(Actual or Worksheet)
Based on rate change of vendors, the rates entered for the costing components might have to be modified and the costing details may have to be checked. For this purpose, in the cost sheet details screen, either the Actual button or Worksheet button can be clicked when the Tour Status of the worksheet selected is ‘Sealed’.
Actual cost sheet will represent the real components that are being used for a tour for a specific departure. We may have number of actual for a date range. For every Actual sell price is from the sealed version.
When we click on Actual button, a pop up window will open there. In that window, its showing all the departure dates we scheduled for the tour. We can select them (ticking the check box) for making an Actual record. So multiple departure dates are possible to make Actual simultaneously.
After creating actual we can change the real components For eg: We may replace hotel in the original with another hotel in Actual because hotel is no longer available. This is applicable with meal and other components.
Actual represent the real data used for the real pricing of the tour. The Sell Price radio button in Fig 12.0 can be clicked to obtain the screen similar to Fig 15.0. The operator can click on the ‘Show Costing sheet’ button to obtain the cost sheet details screen for actual tour status similar to Fig 16.0.
This feature allows you to play the cost sheet with different data. For creating work sheet take a sealed cost sheet and click on Work Sheet. Worksheet is like a workbook. The operator can enter the sell price or percentage and click on the ‘Show Costing sheet’ button to obtain the cost sheet details screen for worksheet tour status similar to Fig 16.
We can also create worksheet from Actual cost sheet, so that we will get multiple worksheet depending on the Actual worksheet date. When we create a worksheet from the sealed version only one worksheet version can be created and the sealed date will be the worksheet date.
In the worksheet the operator can work out as many cost details as required by modifying the components according to his wish.
Print Report in Cost sheet
The operator can click on the Print Report button in order to print the report in PDF format, we are showing the report in landscape mode in order to fit the fields in it.
Save Costing Data
The main purpose of the ‘Save As‘ select box is to help the operator to create same data for different tour dates or as a new tour so that retyping of same data can be avoided. By using either of these two options, the tour will be saved in the original version. (ie Tour Status will be ‘Original’). Only the new sell price will have to be entered and the new data can be sealed.
Fig 18.0
Different Tour
This option is used to make copies of an existing tour for a given date. The operator can click on this link to save the same tour details but on a different start date and end date. The Save As Different Tour option brings up the screen as shown in Fig 19.0
Here the operator can enter the fields Start Date, End Date and Fiscal Year and click on the Save button. For eg., in Fig 20, original version of the tour ‘000100 BGP6’ is created for the date range Jan. 1, 2015 to Dec. 31, 2015. Now, to make a copy for the date range Jan. 1, 2016 to Dec. 31, 2016, the operator can take save costing data section and save data with different Tour option. Once a copy is made, the operator needs to change only a few components that are changing.
Fig 20.0
Fig 21.0
Fig 22.0
A copy can be made only from an “Original” or “Sealed” version. It is not possible to copy (i.e. save as) from a ‘”Worksheet” or “Actual” version. When a copy is made, by default, it will have “Original” tour status, even if it was created from a “Sealed” status.
New Tour
This option is used to make a copy of an existing tour with a different Tour ID. The operator can click on this option to save the same tour details but with a different Tour ID and Tour Name. The Save As New Tour option brings up the screen as shown in Fig 23.0
Fig 23.0
We can select different tour type from the select box Tour Type. When a tour type is selected, the tours which have already been built for that tour type will be displayed towards the bottom. The operator can check out the existing tours and accordingly enter the Tour ID., Tour Name, Duration, Fiscal Year, Season Start Date, Season End Date and Company fields and click on the Save button to save the new tour details.
For eg., in Fig 20, original version of the tour ‘000100 BGP6’ is created for the date range Jan. 1, 2015 to Dec. 31, 2015. Now, to make a copy of the cost sheet for another tour ‘003001 JON’, the operator can use the save as New Tour option and save with the new Tour details (Fig 25).
When a copy is made, by default it will have “Original” tour status, even if it was created from a “Sealed” status.
Fig 24.0
Fig 25.0