Tour Staff cabin share feature
This feature facilitates two staff records to share a Cruise cabin. Both staff assignment will be accommodated in same cabin in similar way as we room-list two Traveler Reservations into one cabin.
Follow the steps given below,
1. Go to Operations > Tour Staff Assignment and find your Tour to assign Tour Staff. Make sure that Tour Staff is enabled in Operations > Package Tour Setup > Departure tab for the Tour Departure.
Then assign your first staff by dragging from the Available Tour Staff table. Then click on the Search icon in the Cabin column in the Assigned Staff Table.
Order of dragging in first staff and second staff is not important. You can drag in two staff and then assign cabins to any staff first or you drag one staff, assign cabin and go for the next one its your choice.
2. After assigning cabin for the first staff drag in another staff and click in the Search button to assign cabin. In the pop-up box where cabins are listed, already staff assigned cabin will be shown in Pink and Radio button will be visible if there is room for another person. Click on the radio button to assign the second staff to the pink cabin.
3. Now you can see both staff assigned to same cabin.
You can cancel this cabin assignment by clicking on the “X” button right next to the cabin number in Cabin column. You can also completely remove the staff assignment by selecting the row and clicking “Remove Row” button.
Both Staff assignments will create two different reservations like it used to be but the cabin will be assigned to the same cabin.
4. You can verify your assignment in Tour Availability.