Step 1
Through, Accounting-> Accounts Payable -> New FTC Printing, we can create an FTC.
Make a search using any of the criteria given
Step 2
The search will results in a number of reservations.
Select a reservation or reservations to which you want to add the FTC
Step 3
Click on the Print FTC button, the new page will generate and we can take the PDF copy of the certificate and take the print out from here by clicking the Get Certificate button.
Step 4
Click on the back button, select the reservation and then the Printed OK button. The status will be updated as printed. Once the FTC is updated as Printed then it will not come in the FTC search next time.
Step 5
Now we can make use of this FTC for payment against reservation.
Search for the reservation through Accounting-> Account Receivable (Packaged Tours) -> Payments, Adjustments & Refunds
Step 6
Use any search criteria to get the reservation
Step 7
Step 8
Click on Payments button on the reservation details page and it will be directed to the Payments interface.
Step 9
Click Add Payment button in the Other Payments area and select the MM item from the Payment Type list box.
Step 10
Click the OK button on popup.
Step 11
Click on the FTC Money Available link and select the appropriate FTC details from the new pop up window there.
Step 12
Click the save Payment button in the Other Payments section and then click the Done button at the top of the Payments page.
Step 13
The line item will be shown in the reservation details page as MM as payment in the Price Information section
These are the general steps to make/process Frequent Traveler Certificate (FTC) in Centaur.
By using the above steps we can use FTC in Centaur
Note:-‘Here Ends the Basic FTC Processing ‘