The FIT Hotel Reservation feature is used to simplify the hotel booking process between tour reservation team(Operation team) and Hotel reservation team. Following is the hotel booking process.
Hotel Booking Process:
The operational department make a quote reservation and pass the accommodation details to the hotel reservation team.
Hotel reservation team contact the hotels and check the current hotel availability and revert the details of availability to the operation team.
if hotels are available
Then operation team confirm the reservation and ask the hotel reservation team to block that hotels.
if hotel are not available
Then hotel reservation team provide available hotel suggestions, then operation team contact the agent and ask for change in hotel.
then the agent may cancel the reservation or agree to take the new hotels.
if agent agree for the new hotels then operation team confirm the booking and contact the hotel reservation team to block that hotels.
When Hotel reservation team get the mails to block the hotels they send the hotel details like check in date, check out date, no of rooms, room type etc to the Hotels.
Working of Hotel Reservation Feature:
To check the availability of hotels operation team assigns the hotel details of the reservation to a particular member of hotel reservation team, for this purpose in centaur user profile(System Administration – User Management) we have added a new field “Assigned To”. Whenever the operator submit the reservation for room status checking it will be assigned to this particular user.
In fig 1.0 user Test operator Assigned to Hotel Booker, so whenever Test operator submit the reservation for room availability checking it is assigned to the user Hotel Booker.
fig 1.0
After making quote reservation operation team submit the reservation for checking the availability of rooms, for checking room status we have added a “Room Availability” button on the top of reservation details page.
fig 2.0
fig 2.1
In Right rail we have added a new section Room Availability Requests (refer figure fig 3.0).
After submitting room availability button that reservation will be listed in this section in blue color.
In Home page there is a section Reminders (refer figure fig 3.0), the request message also appear in this section.
fig 3.0
while operator submit the Room Availability button the assigned user also get the same right rail message under “Room Availability Requests” section and “Reminders” section, but the message will be in green color (refer figure fig 4.0).
The messages in green color indicates that other team (Operation or Hotel reservation team) has updated/requested the hotel details, while updated user get the message in blue color as in fig 3.0
Only the requested user and assigned user get this messages.
fig 4.0
While the Hotel reservation member get the right rail message he can click on the right rail link or reminder message for redirecting to the Room Availability Request Details page(refer figure fig 6.0).
Also we can search and take the details from “Reservation – Fit Tour Reservation – Room Availability Requests”, please refer the figure fig 5.
fig 5.0
fig 5.1
fig 5.2
In Room Availability Request List page all request will be listed according to the search criteria, here Quote reservation will be listed in yellow color and Confirmed reservation will appear in blue color.
From the link in the No. field we can go to the Room Availability Request Details page( fig 6.0).
fig 6.0
In Room Availability Request Details page all accommodations of that reservation will be listed.
If the room availability status of the accommodation is not provided then that particular field will appear in yellow color like the figure fig 6.0.
From this table the assigned user can mark the availability of the hotels and also he can provide any suggestions in corresponding suggestion field.
fig 7.0
After updating the room status, field with status available become green color and not available become pink color(refer the figure fig 8.0).
fig 8.0
After updating the room status, his reminder section and right rail message become blue color as below figure fig 8.1
fig 8.1
while the requested user get this message in green color as below figure fig 8.2
fig 8.2
If room request comes from more than one reservations, then it will be listed in the order of requested time.
The right rail message lasts only for the same day, but we can search the status from Room Availability Request Search page or by using the pagination in Reminder section.
When operation team get the room status update message, he can go to the reservation page (using the link in message).
In Reservation details page we have added a section “Room Availability Information”, here we can see the status of all the rooms in that reservation.
fig 9.0
if any rooms are not available the operator can change accommodation depending on the suggestions.
fig 10.0
in fig 10.0 operator changed the accommodation on “04/18/2015”, after updating the reservation, operator can ask for room status, by using Room Availability button in the reservation details page.
fig 11.0
Then hotel reservation team(assigned user) get the message as the operator requested for room status, he can again continue the same process, now the new room will be in yellow color, and reservation team can update the status. For Quote reservation the removed
fig 12.0
If all rooms are available then the “Room Status” field become available in the Room Status Details page(refer figure fig 13.0).
fig 13.0
After updating the room status operator get the message that the assigned user updated the status and the operator can again check in the FIT reservation details page.
fig 14.0
If all the rooms are available then operator can confirm the reservation.
While confirming the reservation the assigned user(hotel reservation team) get the message that it is updated.
If all the rooms are available and reservation is confirmed then assigned user(reservation team member) can block the rooms.
fig 15.0
If reservation status is confirmed, then block link will appear in the mail field, by clicking this link we will get the mail content for blocking that particular accommodation. We can copy and use that message in email body.
fig 16.0
After sending the mail we can change the mail status of that accommodation by pressing the “mail send” button(refer the figure Fig 16.0), this make the Mail field status as “mail send”(refer the figure fig.17.0).
fig 17.0
If necessary the operator can again change the accommodation, if he changed the accommodation for which the block mail has send, then he need to request the status of the new room using the same “Room Availability” button.
Consider operator has changed the accommodation on 04/15/2015, for which the reservation team had send the mail, and operator asked for the availability of that room(after updating reservation with new hotel click the Room Availability button). Then the Room Availability Request page will look like fig 18.0.
fig. 18.0
Now the removed hotel field is in red color, we will get release mail for that hotel from “release” link in the Mail field.
We can copy and use that mail content then change the status as mail send using “Mail send” button (refer figure fig 19.0).
fig 19.0
fig 19.1
The newly added hotel field will appear in yellow color, if it is available then reservation team can change the status as available and update.
fig 20.0
Now the new hotel is available and hotel reservation team member can use the hotel booking details from the “block” link from Mail field.
Similarly if the number of rooms changed in the reservation and submitted for room availability checking then that field will also appear in yellow color, in this situation reservation team can continue the same process again.